


1.       Regarding conceiving
2.       Reconceiving ideas of conception, infertility, the maternal & (m)otherhood

  • Re.conceive is a research led Art project on visualising Infertility, co-ordinated by Sally Butcher, supported by Arts Council England.
  • The mother artist community is an extremely warm and welcoming one, but there are significant gaps around Infertility, which stops many from even entering this arena. This project aims to challenge the cultural stigma and break the silences of Infertility, helping make this condition visible within Art and beyond.
  • Re.conceive is working with cultural practitioners, artists, institutions and sufferers themselves to reveal Infertility in all its forms.
  • When does one become a mother? When does one enter into the arena of the maternal? How does reproduction happen in the 21st century? What other mothers are there? How can we visualise this? How can we see this?
  • Re.conceive aims to explore and visually theorise the transformational process of becoming a (M)Other, to challenge traditional reproduction and reconceive a form of sub-maternal.

#fertilityawareness #infertilityawareness #infertility #infertilityart #motherart #conception #aceagrams #dycp