"Concealed and Revealed" photography feature in Square Magazine

Square Magazine, is a photography magazine, featuring the latest in photographic artists. In both French and English, it has around 5.000 views per quarterly issue. My feminist photography work was featured in April 2021.

Anatomised I
Anatomised I

Concealed and Revealed
These pieces, drawn from five different series, each engage visually with feminist discourse on the disciplining of the female body. Frequently constrained and regulated by social norms, they picture how women’s bodily comportment becomes impressed with forms of femininity. Using my own body to photograph, direct and edit from both sides of the camera, I am also exploring how female embodiment challenges this appropriately socialised body. These figures move between different gendered surfaces within the domestic and the erotic, as they are adorned, torn, measured, squashed, covered, and uncovered.

They are sometimes hiding, sometimes caught, sometimes escaping. Each tries to portray ways in which women are forced to conceal and disguise under the gaze of others, and yet each one also attempts to deny any fixed notions of visual pleasure.

Downloadable PDF available here:
Square Magazine Spring 2021